The hazelnut tree has heart-shaped leaves that alternate along the branches. The leaves are paler on the back than the front, with a pointed tip and doubly serrated edges that look like the edge of a bread knife. The leaves are between three to five inches long and two to three inches wide. Look at the size of the nut.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, is a hazel tree the same as a hazelnut tree?The genus is usually placed in the birch family Betulaceae, though some botanists split the hazels (with the hornbeams and allied genera) into a separate family Corylaceae. The fruit of the hazel is the hazelnut. Hazels have simple, rounded leaves with double-serrate margins. can you eat hazelnuts straight from the tree? Fresh Hazelnuts You can eat hazelnuts straight from the tree, provided you have something that can break them open. A hazelnut is ripe when its fuzzy outer husk splits and exposes its hard shell, which must be cracked open to obtain the edible kernel, or nut meat. In this manner, how tall do hazelnut trees grow? In bush form it will grow 8 feet to 12 feet tall. In bush form, the hazelnut allows for easy hand picking of the nuts, and carefree environmental plantings for erosion control or as a hedge. If you choose to grow it as a single stem tree it will grow 14 feet to 16 feet tall and nearly as wide.How do you know when hazelnuts are ripe?The nuts contained in the jacket-like husk are ripe and ready to pick when they’re brown and easy to dislodge, and this often occurs well before the nuts begin falling from the tree. The squirrels begin feasting as soon as the nuts are ripe enough to eat, but still in the tree.